A new favourite library place with an inclusive approach and state-of-the-art library technology
The Kulturscheune Weyhe (Culture Barn Weyhe) is a new inclusive Third Place for the entire community. The new building in Leeste near Bremen/Germany relies on self-service and RFID item security from Nexbib. "The Kulturscheune shows us once again that there is a huge potential without any limits for today's libraries. The visionary team, the innovative interior design and flexible library technology form a successful facility. We are proud that our RFID solutions top off the service portfolio at Weyhe," comments Markus Rösch of Nexbib.
"Our vision of a new social hub for Leeste’s city centre, a lively meeting place where the gathering of the future can take place, has become a reality," says Frank Seidel, Mayor of the municipality of Weyhe at the opening in October 2022. Tobias Philipp, Deputy Head of the library, adds: "We are delighted every day to see how the library is accepted by the people. The self-service system is particularly well received by our users. And for us as a team, the automated check-out and the incidental returns free up time for us to concentrate more on other services such as counselling."
Local identification
In terms of urban development, the new ensemble of library, adult education centre and reading café means an upgrade for Henry-Wetjen-Platz. The architecture integrates with the surroundings through large window areas. The minimalist new building cleverly combines a historic farmhouse façade to preserve the local heritage. Inside, too, the rural character and the former local identity are subtly taken up in terms of colour and design and excitingly staged with modern accents. Farm animals serve as seating and play furniture in the children's adventure world. Utensils such as milking buckets and materials such as wood, brick, tiles and leather complete the interior decoration. Interior designer Aat Vos, his team and other partners have created an inviting, multifunctional cultural centre that, thanks to its open and flexible spatial structure, functions equally as a place of exchange, but also as a fresh place to learn, work and relax.
Advanced self-service
Nexbib's library technologies fit harmoniously into this environment. The unobtrusive, transparent Nex.Gates Crystal line up along the glass façade and complete the security of the library’s inventory with RFID. Visitors can check out and return their media quickly and easily at two Nex.Kiosk Nordic self-service machines. The same devices can be used to discreetly and quickly manage library accounts and renew media.
Inclusive approach
Integration and inclusion are central factors in both the interior design and the library technology. The shelves, seating and info points are easily accessible for wheelchair users. The self-service kiosks are also convenient for all to use thanks to their stepless, electronic height adjustment at the touch of a button. The spacious shelves on both sides are made of sustainable wood and provide enough space for books, bags, etc. while the items are being checked out. The staff of the reading café come from the Delme Workshops for people with disabilities. The café is deliberately integrated into the library premises and is open to all. There are even gender-neutral toilets.
The different needs and expectations that a community has of libraries today grow together effortlessly in this progressive cultural centre and enrich each other. There is no doubt that the Kulturscheune will become the favourite place of the whole community in the future.
About the Weyhe Library
With the move from its previous location to the Kulturscheune, the Weyhe library has almost doubled its space to 1200 square metres. More than that: the library increased its numbers significantly: Around 10,000 media have been borrowed per month since then, over 60% more than the average of the three "pre-Corona years". An enormous item circulation considering a total stock of about 25,000 media. 15,000 to 20,000 visitors are now counted monthly. Previously, this figure was usually in the four-digit range.
More information at Public Library Weyhe.
Photos © Marco Heyda | includi
About Nexbib
Nexbib is a provider of future-proof RFID solutions for libraries of all types and sizes. The company develops dynamic library concepts based on contemporary digital strategies and flexible, modularly expandable technology. Together with libraries, Nexbib puts the needs of the community first. Nexbib's solutions not only respond to the habits of today's smartphone society but are also focused on the needs of the next generation. Therefore, sustainability and the 2030 Agenda are high priorities.
Continuous exchange and a collaborative partnership with libraries shape innovations in a practical way. The extensive portfolio enables modern self-service for check-out, return, security and media management. Open Library concepts provide the time flexibility expected today and strengthen the standing of libraries as attractive Third Places.
Birgit Lindl
Communications + Marketing
Tel. +49 7121 15 998 65
E-Mail b.lindl@nexbib.com