Enhance space efficiency
with real-time data

Gain valuable insights how areas are used

Collect meaningful statistics on library usage with accurate attendance figures. Measure the activity in various zones within the building and access live data on the website for real-time decisions. Ensure the wellbeing and safety of library users by monitoring occupancy levels and implementing appropriate measures.

With Nex.Count Occuspace, track usage in specific zones like public access PCs, various library area, or during events. We exclusively offer public libraries this advanced and proven technology, working closely with our renowned partner, Occuspace, a leader in academic library occupancy and people traffic solutions.

Good Reasons for People Traffic Analysis


Operate smarter

Create efficiencies in building management knowing how spaces are actually used.


Improve visitor experiences

Enhance the way people interact with and use spaces.


Reduce costs

Make data-driven decisions on how specific zones have to be redesigned.


Trust accurate data

Analyze real-time and intelligent data enabling cost-effective management.


Optimize staffing schedules

Schedule your team for peak times, events, or specific areas best.

Maximum convenience

Our goal is to make people counting and analyzing data as easy as possible for you.

Want to install it yourself? We send you devices, you plug them in. That easy. In case you want assistance or training: we're ready to help.

It's plug and play! No need for extra wiring or drilling into walls and ceilings.

No invasive cameras. Personally identifiable information is never used or stored.


"In the first year of operation, 62% more people visited the Central Library than in the last pre-Corona year 2019. Compared to 2019, there has been a 120% increase in new registrations. This is mainly attributed to the new diverse spatial and usage possibilities and the extended opening hours - for which self-service is, of course, a prerequisite," says Brigitte Behrendt.

Open for All Until 10 PM

With the extended opening hours until 10 PM on weekdays, the library positions itself as contemporary and community-oriented. "We want to be as low-threshold as possible, meaning our spaces and services are available to everyone, not just people with a library card. This also applies during Open Library times, and even on Sundays! Therefore, we do not require entry identification with a library card at the entrance," explains Brigitte Behrendt.

Visitors still feel safe and, above all, comfortable. The centrally hosted Open Library Web Portal makes it easier for the team to manage opening hours and the use of video surveillance.

"The future viability and harmonious interplay of RFID systems are very important to us. Having library technology from a single source simplifies processes and stabilizes system operations. The ability to integrate the systems into a central monitoring and configuration tool guarantees safe and efficient operation. The Nexbib team, including project management and support, knows our needs and responds promptly. This was the only way the installation and commissioning could function under a tight schedule parallel to the reopening preparations. We are very satisfied with the personal and solution-oriented service," says the library director.

  • Works in any type of space regardless of ceiling height, walkway size, or layout
  • Maintains accuracy of over 90%
  • Algorithm considers people may have several devices
  • Real-time data
  • No tracking of specific people in any capacity
  • Security-First and Privacy-Friendly
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