Public Libraries Berlin modernise return and sorting systems with Nexbib
More than 30 branches of the Association of Public Libraries in Berlin (VÖBB) will be upgraded to state-of-the-art technology with new return and sorting systems starting in May. The technology supplier Nexbib was officially awarded the contract at the end of March. Accessibility, ergonomics as well as sustainable and energy-conscious operation were some of the decisive factors in the award. Specifically, compliance with ICT security concepts was required in accordance with the Berlin E-Government Act. All together 40 Nex.Return systems will be installed by June 2024.
"The tender was a complex, challenging process with dedicated on-site testing. We are very happy that our efforts were rewarded and our technologies convinced the committees," comments Markus Rösch, Managing Director of Nexbib. "For our young company, which was only founded in October 2021, this award is a clear signal that Nexbib is now perceived in the library industry as a trusted, experienced and innovative technology partner. We very much look forward to working with the entire VÖBB team."
In terms of future security, the tender specified further requirements: In the context of secure data processing, security concepts according to the standards of the Federal Office for Information Security (BSI IT Grundschutz) have to be provided and adhered to. Regarding inclusion, users will now have access to an acoustically guided media return service. Tactile elements will facilitate operation for people with disabilities. The devices can be installed flexibly so that they can be operated comfortably by everyone. Of course, sustainability is also of central importance: Is the system easy to repair? Can individual modules be replaced if needed so that the entire system can still be operated in the long term? These are all questions that Nexbib can answer with a resounding ‘yes’.
In general, the specific requirements for media transport systems are manifold: there are general spatial requirements, possible regulations for the protection of historical monuments as well as divergent stock sizes and the associated capacity and performance requirements of a system. Accordingly, the system to be used by the VÖBB in the future is highly modulable, expandable, and adaptable. The new return systems are fitted into existing wall openings. Due to the flexible design of the system, Nexbib can implement this individually and in a way that is compatible with the protection of historical monuments without having to initiate any reconstruction works in the libraries.
As part of its growing customer base in Berlin and the surrounding area, Nexbib will now open a second office in Berlin.
About VÖBB
The Association of Public Libraries in Berlin (VÖBB) was established in 1995 as a joint project of the 12 Berlin districts, the Berlin Central and Regional Library Foundation (ZLB) and the Berlin Senate Department for Culture and Europe. In 2021, 68 libraries, 12 mobile libraries and 3 school libraries belonged to the library network. There are almost 7.4 million media units available. In 2021, a total number of approx. 18.800.000 checked-out items were counted. Every working day, about 2,200 media are transported from one location to another. Media can be returned at any branch, regardless of where they were borrowed. The library network has about 340,000 users.
More information at VOEBB.