Nex.App: My library app + more on the go

Digital and analogue media lending, streaming, communication: Nexbib's new library app, called Nex.App, fulfils the wishes of today's smartphone owners and library users. Everywhere and any time, the community is now connected to its library. Reservations, media and account management, information about events, due dates, fees: Everything is available at two clicks on the smartphone. The app can even read ISBN barcodes, so that you know immediately whether a title is available in the nearby library. The corresponding eContent could be borrowed, downloaded or streamed immediately. Never before has new reading material been so quickly at hand. Furthermore, the advanced app user experience will attract new library users to join the library community.

Nexbib builds on an app technology that is successfully in use at almost 8,000 libraries worldwide. "We are constantly keeping an eye on the rapid development of mobile applications in order to be able to promptly implement modern features and a continuously simplifying user experience", points out Sven Carslon of Nexbib. "The community expects self-service, autonomy and fast processes in dealing with digital and analogue media. Communication today happens preferably with a few simple clicks. The Nex.App makes it possible for public and academic libraries to speed up and modernise services for their users," says Sven. Within the library, personal smartphones can be used for borrowing and returning physical items. Barcode or RFID labels are scanned directly at the shelf and the media are borrowed and unsecured without the use of any additional hardware. Browsing through the digital stock and downloading is just as uncomplicated. Fees and account management take place discreetly and independently of location on your own mobile phone.

Information about planned events or current library news can be viewed directly in the app. The integration of social media channels makes communication even faster and more up-to-date. Since several accounts can be maintained in the app, all family members always have a complete overview of the lending history and due dates. There is a choice of 30 languages.

The appearance of the app is defined by each library for itself. The library also creates its own app name under which it can be found for both iOS and Android users in the common online portals. In addition, library users can customise their own views and preferences.

Om Nexbib

Nexbib er leverandør af fremtidssikrede RFID-løsninger til biblioteker af alle typer og størrelser. Virksomheden udvikler dynamiske bibliotekskoncepter baseret på moderne digitale strategier og fleksibel teknologi, der kan udvides modulært. Sammen med bibliotekerne sætter Nexbib brugernes behov i første række. Nexbibs løsninger imødekommer ikke kun det moderne smartphonesamfunds vaner, men er også fokuseret på den næste generations behov. Derfor er bæredygtighed og 2030-dagsordenen højt prioriteret.
Kontinuerlig udveksling og et partnerskab med biblioteker former innovationer på en praktisk måde. Den omfattende portefølje muliggør moderne selvbetjening til udlån, aflevering, sikkerhed og materialehåndtering. Åbne bibliotekskoncepter giver den tidsfleksibilitet, der forventes i dag, og styrker bibliotekernes position som attraktive tredje steder.


Birgit Lindl
Kommunikation og Marketing
Tlf. +49 7121 15 998 65

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